The Art of Rusty McDonald

The Fall edition of Somerset Digital Studio Magazine will feature another of my articles, this one celebrating the extraordinary artwork of photographer and digital artist Rusty McDonald. Check out this short video I made detailing a bit of what you can expect . . .

Be sure to also check out Rusty’s online portfolio at


The Autumn edition is now available, with my full article. The whole magazine is extraordinary, just an excellent, excellent, excellent edition.

If you want to grab a copy, you can check your local book stores or craft stores starting September 1st, or you can pick up a copy online here:

For everyone overseas — if you hold tight, this edition is sure to sell out as well, and they are sure to then issue another digital edition, as they did when we smashed their sales records last Spring.

Soon as it hits the bookstores I’ll be posting more about all the other AWAKE artists published in this issue.

I love this magazine and have for many years. Just gets better and better.

It’s pretty darn exciting finding myself playing a small role in it now.

– Sebastian